They Were Here First
They Were Here First

24x30cm, mixed media on panel.

Made after hearing a conversation in a pub. Someone had hit a badger with their car on the way there, didn't care about the badger, and was only concerned about their car. Humans are so busy blindly hurtling along roads which we have built across the ancestral pathways of species other than ours. They were here first, and deserve more respect.

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Original Sold. Prints available at same size as original £97.50
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They Were Here First

24x30cm, mixed media on panel.

Made after hearing a conversation in a pub. Someone had hit a badger with their car on the way there, didn't care about the badger, and was only concerned about their car. Humans are so busy blindly hurtling along roads which we have built across the ancestral pathways of species other than ours. They were here first, and deserve more respect.

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Original Sold. Prints available at same size as original £97.50
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